London, ON N5V 4K7
(866) 457-7166
Midland, NC 28107
United States
(800) 845-5184
Give your home the protection it deserves from flooding and water damage, and make sure your septic system works as planned using Soil Separator™, our simple, effective filtering solution that improves drainage efficiency.
By keeping more permeable aggregates free from unwanted sediments around draining pipes, Soil Separator™ guarantees your french drains and septic leaching beds work with optimal flow, reducing the chance of drainage failures.
Our Soil Separator™ fabric is available for purchase in major home improvement stores throughout the United States and Canada in 36″ x 150′ rolls (90 cm x 45 m):
We also sell a bulk roll of our Soil Separator™ fabric for industrial applications. Please contact us to purchase our industrial Soil Separator™.
Get in touch with our experts and let us come up with the perfect solution for your drainage projects to perform the way you want them to.